4 Ways To Take Your Company To The Next Level – Hamet Watt

Hamet Watt is a venture capitalist and board Partner at Upfront Ventures. He is also co-founder and Chairman of MoviePass, as well as co-founder and former Chairman of bLife. That being said, he surely knows a thing or two about entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Sashin sits down with Hamet to bring insights on topics like Entrprenehsip, Investing, and finances.

In today’s world, where setting up your online store to getting your startup funded, the opportunities are limitless. It all boils down to how you position your brand in the customer’s mind with the consistent exchange of value.

To put in perspective, we have narrowed down four effective strategies on how you can grow your business and bring your vision to life. Read on.

Break The Rules:

Sometimes In order to reap better results, you have to instil better systems, the new ones. Hitting rinse and repeat and falling into the trap of your old habits isn’t going to help anymore. Instead of living in the fear bubble,  explore other avenues of your business and tweak the strategy that will allow you to make progress and eventually grow your business.

Trust Your Gut:

Data Analytics has an essential place in decision making. But don’t let it influence all of your decisions. When people follow their gut feeling, there are more likely to stay happy even if it turns out to be the wrong decision. That might be the reason most hiring professionals make their hiring decisions relying on their gut feeling. It brings us to the point that it’s safe to base your business decisions predicated on your instinct.

Patience is the Key:

Entrepreneurship is a long bumpy ride coupled with failures, uncertainty, and financial downside. We know it takes grit and hard work to claim our piece of success. But do you know what else it takes, and a lot of?

Patience is the answer. Patience to stay on the route no matter how much grueling work it takes before you start seeing results. Therefore, it is essential for you to learn patience and revel in the hustle.

 Why you don’t need to innovate?

In this digital era, many entrepreneurs are sold on the idea of Innovation to the point that it starts sabotaging their actual business. Whereas, the real and raw way to achieve success is to captivate existing suitable markets than disruptive ones.

If you want to take your brand, company or yourself to the next level watch the full episode of Hamet Watt on The Millionaire Student Show.


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